Wow, what a week! From the 20th -26th of July the entire international harp community gathered to put on the harp spectacle of a life time. With an amazing variety of international (as well as national) artists, everyone came away with something to remember.
The Harp Centre was right there along with everyone else, being a major sponsor of the event – we provided funds for the masterclasses given by stunning teachers, with equally stunning students.
Heidi Lehwalder Masterclass, wih Rowan Phemister, Harp Centre teacher.
The Seven Harp Ensemble also displayed its amazing talent in the Opening Gala, performing a World Premier by Australian composer Ross Edwards, accompanied by the talented digeridoo player William Barton.
We also had our very successful booth – thanks to all those who came and said hi! It was Rachel Walker’s last act as Sales Manager, and we want to thank her for all the hard work she’s put in over the years. She was certainly run off her feet selling music at the Congress!